GNS Hosting

About GNS

Global Network Solution, GNS, is a Stockholm-based company specializing in providing hosting solutions to small and medium-sized businesses as well as individual clients.
GNS hosting av fjärrskrivbord, VPS Virtual private server, Hosted Exchange, Veeam cloud connect, online backup

Hosted Exchange

Outsourca hela eller delar av er IT miljö så som fjärrskrivbord, hosted Exchange server, online backup, VPS (virtual private server), Veeam cloud connect
GNS Hosted Exchange Server 2019 helps you boost productivity like never before. This is thanks to features that meet the increasing demands for greater mobility and constant access (from any location) to information, simplified IT administration, and enhanced security.

Veeam Cloud Connect

Veeam Cloud Connect makes it easy for you to extend your backup infrastructure to the cloud.

Get your VMs (virtual machines) backed up and replicated off-site without the need to build and maintain a standalone infrastructure.

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